
Grades Taught



Together with parents and community we are committed to nurturing students in a supportive, stimulating, and safe environment so that each student will have the opportunity to develop the knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills to become a responsible citizen.

North Memorial School operates on a balanced school day.  We have three instruction blocks with two nutrition and activity breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  This schedule allows fewer transitions so we have more time on task in the classroom.  Our two nutrition breaks ensure sustained nourishment throughout the day with longer activity breaks to provide adequate movement for improved health, concentration and neural development.

Mission Statement

Together with parents and community we are committed to nurturing students in a supportive, stimulating, and safe environment so that each student will have the opportunity to develop the knowledge , attitudes, values, and skills to become a responsible citizen.

School Day

8:50-9:00        Students enter classrooms & Breakfast in Classrooms

9:00-10:30      Classroom Instruction

10:30-10:50    Activity Break

10:50-11:15    Nutrition break (with a literacy or math activity)

11:15-12:55    Classroom Instruction

1:00-1:30     Nutrition break (similar to traditional lunch hour, students go home from 1:00-1:55)

1:30-2:00        Activity break

2:00-3:30        Classroom Instruction

3:30                Dismissal

Division Notice

Trustee By-Election for Ward 3

The Portage la Prairie School Division is in search of someone to fill a School Trustee position in Ward 3 via a by-election.

Nomination begins August 7, 2024 and election day is September 18, 2024.

Individuals interested in standing for Trustee can find further details regarding ward boundaries, geographical location, requirements, and the process at this link.

Ward 3 Trustee By-Election Information